Thursday, May 28, 2009

Manalapan Committeeman Andy Boy's "Gray Clouded" Voting Dilemma

There's da old saying about "The Chickens Coming Home to Roost." That saying could describe Manalapan Township Committeeman alleged Manalapan/and or Freehold resident & alleged Republican/and or Democrat Andy Boy to a "T."

Now, alleged Manalapan/and or Freehold resident & alleged Republican/and or Democrat Andy Boy has a very politically sordid recent past. He's a graduate of da hallowed halls of Princeton University, which one could allege that character may not be a prerequisite at some schools these days. He was a big-wig with da Manalapan GOP'er club - where he's now persona-non-grata there. Calling da popular current GOP'er club president Butch Budai "Bidet" in reference to a urinal during meetings wore out his welcome, among other things. Being a GOP'er and having a "Vote for (Wasser) Horvath" lawn sign in your vicinity didn't go over too well either.

In 2004, he ran on a ticket of lowering municipal taxes, and won by a landslide with former Committeeman Joltin Joe. He then lowered taxes - not one year - but two straight years. Then, after turning his back on Joltin Joe and Republican practices, he became da architect of da single biggest local tax increase in Manalapan history - followed up by another double-digit tax increase he happily supported - standing side-by-side with da Queen!

Apparently, the "How To Be A Republican" handbook, and even "Republicans for Dummies" is not required reading in da lavish garage office of Andy Boy.

But all of this pales in comparison to his newest dilemma.

When Andy Boy ran his spectacularly unqualified campaign for Monmouth County Freeloader, da person who was his "big" money-raiser was an unknown named Carolina MachoGrande, who da very next year somehow was named to da "no experience necessary" post of Manalapan Township Attorney - and da 6-figure salary it carries! (FYI - she's da very same MachoGrande who called bloggers "Anonymous Bomb Throwers," and is currently da DEFENDANT in a legal malpractice lawsuit not related to da Mosked Man). Macho's a GOP'er, which as we've all learned, considering da way Andy Boy's treated current club president Budai (pronounced "boo-dye" for those life-long residents of Manalapan who may not know) and current Township Committeewoman Susan Cohen, being in da GOP may not mean too much these days.

Then, you have da person who may have become his mentor, current Committeewoman and running for da State Assembly, da Queen. She, a Democrat, is running for da very same seat fully occupied by MachoGrande. Now, following da bouncing ball of hypocracy:

* Andy Boy raised taxes to its highest level ever - Da Queen has always voted to RAISE taxes.

* Andy Boy allegedly supported (Wasser) Horvath. Da Queen had a (Wasser) Horvath) lawn sign in front of her offices.

* Both da Queen & Andy Boy have never formally come out against da practices and da "Diploma-Gate" issue that has been dogging Wasser for more than a year. Their silence has been golden, and will ultimately be remembered in November by voters.

* Andy Boy sided with da Queen to censure Cohen and former Committeeman Gennaro, to raise taxes.

* Like da Queen, who was on da planning board when da Village first came up, Andy Boy was for da Village before he was against it.

* Andy Boy - like MachoGrande, a "DEFENDANT" - but he's a DEFENDANT in da Mosked Man "Land-Deal-Gone-Bad-First Amendment" case, using a lawyer being paid-for by Manalapan taxpayers - a case he's supported and voted in favor of, just like da Queen - even though he was named a "DEFENDANT" in it.

So, Benedict Andy Boy has an allegiance to da GOP'er MachoGrande, but also to da Democrat Queen Roth! Ironically, da Queen & MachoGrande are facing each other, with da winner getting a two-year all-expenses paid trip to Trenton to represent da peasants in a higher-paying taxpayer-funded job.

One is Andy Boy's former fundraiser who he got a job as Manalapan Township Attorney and was a part of da Manalapan Legal Dream Team, and da other is his Manalapanistan mentor & tax hiker. So, what is Andy Boy to do?

Does he support MachoGrande, and turn his back on da Queen and da Cadre that he has sided with?

Or, does he side with da Queen, and turn his back on da local, county and state GOP?

It's an interesting question indeed.

Da Queen will be side-by-side with da biggest taxer of them all - Jon Corzine. Will Andy Boy stand side with them? Considering he's da architect of da single biggest tax increase in Manalapan history and turned his back on lowering taxes, he'd fit right in with Corzine-omics.

Will Declan O'Candidate and Carolina MachoGrande get Andy's support, or will he turn his back on da Queen and da Cadre that now pulls da strings and knows about Andy Boy?

Will he support da Democratic Commissar, Cash Klauber for reelection, or will he support da GOP candidate in Manalapan, who will stand with Budai & Cohen, da arch-enemies of Andy Boy?

Of course, these are interesting questions indeed, but these questions hatch others:

If Andy turns his back on da Queen, what will happen to all da secrets she knows about him? Could da Mosked Man case come crashing down on Andy Boy and land nowhere near da Queen?

If Andy turns his back on MachoGrande, what will Oxley & da County GOP do about him? If they do nothing, then Oxley will be turning his back on his own call to unite da GOP.

Will da Manalapan GOP demand Oxley action? How will this affect Manalapan's GOP'er Grand Poobah, who is linked to Andy Boy at da hip, who is now linked to da Queen and her Cadre?

Will Andy Boy denounce da GOP and become a Democrat?

Will he support one candidate, but be a "closet" supporter for da other?

Will there be a "Gray" cloud hanging over his head, making these decisions for him?

Whatever decision Andy Boy makes, how will it affect Manalapan GOP Commandant Steve "Iron Girth" McEnery?

DaTruth is, Andy Boy's "bedfellows issues" have created for him a very serious problem. One way or da other, whoever he doesn't side with will have a big ax to grind against him. Da Queen needs him to bring in some GOP'ers if she has any chance of winning. Da GOP won't want him to come out against his former benefactor. Both sides know if Andy Boy has any skeletons hanging in his closet. Da question is - - which side knows more, and which side upset with his decision of support could use that against him, which could taint da other candidate.

It's looking like 2009 will be a very interesting year MachoGrande and da Queen -- but even more interesting for Andy Boy, indeed. And, either way, one side he disses will not be happy.

And that's daTruth.


Anonymous said...

You are a disgrace. One can only hope that we find out who you are one day. I'm guessing you have a very interesting past in this town.

By the way, all the respected bloggers publish their names.

Respect and dignity. You should look those words up, just so you know what your failings are.

Anonymous said...

If this blog is correct, then I'd have to agree Andy Lucas may have a problem here.

Hypothetically speaking, if he did share secrets with both sides, the side he doesn't back publically could be very upset with him. Even worse, if he backs someone formally and then works behind the scenes for the other candidate, and the backed candidate finds out, they'd probably be pissed.

Interesting blog indeed.

Anonymous said...

"If this blog is correct"

is the operative phrase.

This blog has been wrong more times than you can count on your fingers and toes.

This blog is about vendetta. The publishers personal vendetta against certain township officals.

Plain and simple.

The real shocker will be when the blog owner is identified.

Indeed, that will be an interesting day in "DaKingdom"

Anonymous said...

Isn't that special. Three posts from Andy "Estrogen Boy" Lucas attacking dattruthsquad. You'll notice, there's NOTHING in any of those posts proving anything said by datruthsquad about Andy is wrong. Like Fred and Larry, there's just a lot of hot air. They have no facts and they think vacuous attacks will overcome the fact that they're just dead wrong.

Anonymous said...

Post #2 agreed Andy is in trouble you dope. Wy don't you try reading the posts, before you foam at the mouth and write a hasty response?

You continue to prove that you are a clown.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice, Andy. I mean, after all, who's better to give advice on posting than you? By the way, just wondering, where is that permit for the office on your mom's garage?

Anonymous said...

I think you may be wasting your time. This blog has been sued by a former mayor and an entire town, yet still it blogs. It allows free speech and hasn't violated any laws that I know of. And, unlike the local papers, it writes about what they don't, which is why I read it. We have wondrful freedoms in the country, and you have the freedom of reading what you want. I for one will continue to read it.

Anonymous said...

Prviously posted: "Being a GOP'er and having a "Vote for (Wasser) Horvath" lawn sign in your vicinity didn't go over too well either."

What a chickensh*t allegation. (And it proves Stu wrote it because no can split a hair like him. It it his M.O. Ask any reputable lawyer, they'll tell him they won't even "do lunch" with him for fear they may be seen and it assumed there is some professional association between them. Absolute fact!
But notice how Mr. Lucas is accused of having a Vote for Horvath sign "in the vicinity of his house." Could that be any more as vague as it was meant to be inflammatory. What you are saying is, we are all responsible for the election signs the owners of properties abutting ours put up. Get Real already. Tell the truth "Squad." You are a mole and are really working for Michelle Roth and know that the venom and vitriol this site is notorious for will, for decency's sake, lead her to not only win but win big leaving the Dumb and Dumber faction of the Manalapan Republican breakaway faction scratching their heads. Wonder who will turn on whom after that happens.

Anonymous said...

Hey Larry, do you have a prescription for those drugs? Michelle is going to lose by the largest margin in the history of the twelfth district. You've already learned that she's getting no funding. She's persona non grata among the State leaders who control the funding. She's considered -- as you are -- to be a total fruitcake. Plus, Caroline has been handed enough dirt on Michelle to not only destroy her forever in November but possibly land her in jail. So, dream on, Larry, fantasize about Stu all you want. Let's see how you do when Michelle isn't able to provide for you any more.

Anonymous said...

Forget Corzine & Christie. Roth against Casagrande will be the singlehanded dirtiest, ugliest, and vicious election in state assembly history. This should be fun to watch. I'll be reading the Squad daily because you know whoever is blogging this will have a field day with all the dirt.

Anonymous said...

When this is all said and done, Stu is finished. That is if you don't believe he's finished already.

His lackey is doing an excellent job burying any possibility he has of having a viable practice.

I can se it now. Stu sitting in his empty office dumbfounded that his grand scheme didn't work. Of course when you think you are smarter than everyone else, thata's what happens.

Then, we get to have at the lackey. Nice. Definitley worth waiting for.

Anonymous said...

you really are brain dead aren't you? This is why your racist pig, vicious, disgusting, crooked wife will never win another election, Larry. People will vote against her just because they regard you, Mr. "I hate Italians" as the most disgusting, dishonest, vioious piece of filth ever to be involved in Manalapan politics. People are still talking about the time you gathered Republican literature and placed it in the synagogue on Rosh Hashanah -- not knowing you were being watched, of course -- and tried to blame it on Stu. To this day, no one will buy the pews next to yours because they don't want to be near you or your 200 pound wife on the high holidays.

Anonymous said...

we get it Larry. You have personal reasons why you didn't want Miracles Law passed and Stu wrote it. It affected you personally. We've all learned it. But you haven't been thrown out of Manalapan because of it, so get over it.

Anonymous said...

Oh shut up Stu, lest your proclivities be revealed for all to discuss.

Anonymous said...

Between Lucas and Roth and Hall, I have to ask. Is it a requirement that in order to be active in that little political group you have to be a sexual deviant?

Anonymous said...

so you're probably wondering, who is this Fred Stone, who obviously has no career anymore, and nothing to do with his life but post online. This might give you a clue and also help explain why, like the other corrupt politicians in Manalapan, he hates a decent, moral person like Stu so much:

So if there's anyone out there who still doesn't understand what an amoral low life crook Fred Stone and his Millenium Partners is, this should help you make up your mind. When Marty Gelband was forced to leave Lehman Brothers in embarrassment after trashing the company (I guess he and Larry Roth are good friends) and taking a 25 million dollar bonus, where did he go? You guessed it. He was Fred Stone's kind of guy, and that's where he went:

Gee, do you think that has anything to do with all the investigations swirling around Fred and Millennium right now? Do you think the partners told Fred to get lost for a while? Do you think that's why Fred has time to post online all day long, every day?

Anonymous said...

Remember Merrill Brown? I just can't wait until August 10.

Anonymous said...

August 10th. Tghat's when you catch a beating, then leave town. Correct?

Anonymous said...

Let's wait and see. Bet you won't think you're so funny then. :)

Anonymous said...

Is that threat? Add it to list of things you will be called to account for.

By the way, I am LMAO already, clown.

Anonymous said...

called to account for.LOL. ROFL. Fred, you account for your right hand half the time.

Immediate deletion from the Manalapan Forum said...

4235.1.1. It only "appears" that way to you because
by stikafork, 5/29/09 13:27 ET
Re: any word? by mpngirl, 5/29/09
you're probably getting your information from Stu-less the Clueless or one of his minions. Remember you heard it here, the twp will prevail.
And for the gajillionth time - I am not Larry but I am 'in the know." Something Stu never was even when he was soaking the town for $10,000 to draft "Miracle's Law." An ordinance which any constitutional scholar knew would never withstand a legal challenge.

Followed by:

4235.1.2 That's outrageous
by lackeyhunter, 5/29/09 13:44 ET
Re: any word? by mpngirl, 5/29/09

I think I recently read somewhere that Mr. Moskovitz claims he knew the law would never hold up. Did he tell the town before he charged $10,000 or after? There should be an investigation.

Food for thought.

Oh and by the way, I guess the first amendment only applies to a few select individuals.

What hypocrites!

Fact over Fiction said...

I addressed these assertions on in response to the two deluded posters whose post is copied below but Stu (or his minions) had it deleted. But since he has no influence here (at least that's what he swore to in court), I'll try again.

If it "appears" the twp. will lose, it is because you got your info from Stuless the Clueless. This is the same lawyer that soaked the Manalapan taxpayers for $10,000 to draft Miracle's Law. A law that any constitutional scholar could have told you would never stand up to a court challenge. But no one who knows anything expected Stu to know that either. Or if he did, it didn't stop him from wasting the taxpayer's money.
And before I forget, the township will prevail.

4235. any word?
by mpngirl, 5/29/09 7:11 ET
on how mark solinski made out wit the twp?

Click to view these responses

4235.1. It appears that....
by public, 5/29/09 12:56 ET
Re: any word? by mpngirl, 5/29/09
the case is still scheduled to go to trial this coming Wednesday. What a shame! I have yet to talk to one person that believes Manalapan has a chance to win this one. Hopefully, it is settled quickly to save the taxpayers' further unneeded expense.

Anonymous said...

We get it Fred. You almost had to move out of Manalapan because Stu drafted Miracles Law. You asked him not to, and he did what the township committee told him to do because the rest of the township, Fred, are NOT child molestors and don't want your kind here. You've made your point. You should be free to live wherever you want. The court agrees with you. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

by the way Fred, Manalapan didn't pass Miracles Law until over 100 other municipalities had passed a similar ordinance first. And, Manalapan didn't pass the ordinance until it had already been upheld in Court. And, if you read the newspaper last week (I know you have difficulty reading. You and Larry Roth post an awful lot for people who have pretty much proven you can't read or write), you would know that Stu told the township committee ahead of time of the problems with the ordinance before they decided to go ahead anyway. And do we really need a convicted securities felon attorney evaluating attorneys for us, Fred? I mean, really.

Anonymous said...

by the way Fred, Manalapan didn't pass Miracles Law until over 100 other municipalities had passed a similar ordinance first. And, Manalapan didn't pass the ordinance until it had already been upheld in Court. And, if you read the newspaper last week (I know you have difficulty reading. You and Larry Roth post an awful lot for people who have pretty much proven you can't read or write), you would know that Stu told the township committee ahead of time of the problems with the ordinance before they decided to go ahead anyway. And do we really need a convicted securities felon attorney evaluating attorneys for us, Fred? I mean, really.

Anonymous said...

I hate to burst a bubble here, but the Manalapan ordinance did in fact pass legal muster when a known pedophile was released from jail and wanted to move back into Manalapan. He apparently attempted to challenge it and move close to the Library, but instead decided not to and moved to Asbury Park. If it was so full of holes as you say, why didn't he challenge it?

FYI - I also remember Roth I believe said she would have that law repealed and replaced with another. She never did. Why?

Anonymous said...


Because facts don't matter to some people. Only lying to anyone for their own benefit and caring about nothing unless it suits their needs is important to them.

Anonymous said...

Fact over fiction hit the nail right on the head. No matter how many times we are called Larry, or Fred, or Tom or Dick or Harry.

10 grand when he allegedly knew it wouldn't hold up.

Maybe that's why the township scrutinized his billing practices a few years ago.

Keep the pressure on everyone

Anonymous said...

And what of Andy's Caroline Casagrande who never itemized her bills???????????

Guess that's OK.

No Life Fred said...

Once again, Manalapan's most famous criminal, Fred Stone, is pulling facts out of his spreading behind. Where did you get the idea he charged 10,000 dollars for that ordinance. In all likelihood, it was closer to $500.00. And even if he charged $100,000, if that's what the township committee wanted, than that's what he is supposed to do. And it's a good thing they did decide to go ahead with it. We got one child molestor out of town because of it and would have gotten you out too, if it weren't for political pressure on the mayor.

Anonymous said...

August 10, Fred. August 10. You might want to check with your doctor, soon. You'll find out something very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Roth is running for Assembly. The biggest support this proven racist who has destroyed this town has is from her husband Larry, who can't even provide health insurance for his family, Andy Boy, who can't figure out whether he's living in Freehold or Manalapan, with his wife or his mom, and Fred Stone, convicted securities felon who has personal reasons to hate Stu for passing Miracles Law. That tells us everything we need to know about Michelle, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Michelle Roth is running for Assembly. The biggest support this proven racist who has destroyed this town has is from her husband Larry, who can't even provide health insurance for his family, Andy Boy, who can't figure out whether he's living in Freehold or Manalapan, with his wife or his mom, and Fred Stone, convicted securities felon who has personal reasons to hate Stu for passing Miracles Law. That tells us everything we need to know about Michelle, doesn't it?

The truth will out said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to burst a bubble here, but the Manalapan ordinance did in fact pass legal muster when a known pedophile was released from jail and wanted to move back into Manalapan. He apparently attempted to challenge it and move close to the Library, but instead decided not to and moved to Asbury Park. If it was so full of holes as you say, why didn't he challenge it?

Another lie that is so easily proven to be false. There was no court challenge here. Just the opposite in fact. Not wanting to deplete the family coffers anymore than they already had been, the individual conceded and took the path of least resistance and found residence elsewhere. A move that would not bring further shame nor economic ruin to his aging parents.
And no, I'm not Fred either. I'm just smarter than you and all the suck-ups that are now stuck like Barnacles to Stu's sinking ship.

See, I can do it too, schmuck said...

4235.1.1. It only "appears" that way to you because
by stikafork, 5/29/09 13:27 ET
Re: any word? by mpngirl, 5/29/09
you're probably getting your information from Stu-less the Clueless or one of his minions. Remember you heard it here, the twp will prevail.
And for the gajillionth time - I am not Larry but I am 'in the know." Something Stu never was even when he was soaking the town for $10,000 to draft "Miracle's Law." An ordinance which any constitutional scholar knew would never withstand a legal challenge.

Followed by:

4235.1.2 That's outrageous
by lackeyhunter, 5/29/09 13:44 ET
Re: any word? by mpngirl, 5/29/09

I think I recently read somewhere that Mr. Moskovitz claims he knew the law would never hold up. Did he tell the town before he charged $10,000 or after? There should be an investigation.

Food for thought.

Oh and by the way, I guess the first amendment only applies to a few select individuals.

Anonymous said...

I addressed these assertions on in response to the two deluded posters whose post is copied below but Stu (or his minions) had it deleted. But since he has no influence here (at least that's what he swore to in court), I'll try again.

If it "appears" the twp. will lose, it is because you got your info from Stuless the Clueless. This is the same lawyer that soaked the Manalapan taxpayers for $10,000 to draft Miracle's Law. A law that any constitutional scholar could have told you would never stand up to a court challenge. But no one who knows anything expected Stu to know that either. Or if he did, it didn't stop him from wasting the taxpayer's money.
And before I forget, the township will prevail.

4235. any word?
by mpngirl, 5/29/09 7:11 ET
on how mark solinski made out wit the twp?

Click to view these responses

4235.1. It appears that....
by public, 5/29/09 12:56 ET
Re: any word? by mpngirl, 5/29/09
the case is still scheduled to go to trial this coming Wednesday. What a shame! I have yet to talk to one person that believes Manalapan has a chance to win this one. Hopefully, it is settled quickly to save the taxpayers' further unneeded expense.

Anonymous said...

August 10, Fred. August 10.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Roth is running for Assembly. The biggest support this proven racist who has destroyed this town has is from her husband Larry, who can't even provide health insurance for his family, Andy Boy, who can't figure out whether he's living in Freehold or Manalapan, with his wife or his mom, and Fred Stone, convicted securities felon who has personal reasons to hate Stu for passing Miracles Law. That tells us everything we need to know about Michelle, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

3825. Before the bloodthirsty vultures
by terrytheater, 5/13/09 18:15 ET
who inhabit this site jump all over me, yes, I admit up front, I'm from Marlboro, not Manalapan. But I do read this site and have a lot of friends from Manalapan, and get to read about the politics of Manalapan in the News Transcript and online.
There is no question that the tone of any community is set at the top. Just like the debate across the nation is framed by the president and his tone, the tone in any community is framed by the person at the top there. I don't think anyone will disagree that the top in Manalapan is Michelle Roth. It has been for several years regardless of who holds the title of mayor. The fact that she would allow some dirtbag to represent himself as her strongest supporter on this site, vilifying decent people, stifling debate, and attacking people who aren't even reading says plenty on its own. But what I also see is that her actions have created one controversy after another in Manalapan. Marlboro used to be like that, but I'm grateful that our mayor has set another tone. Manalapan, on the other hand, has deteriorated into the climate we read on this site. That alone is sufficient for me to say Michelle has no place in Trenton. What you people do with her in Manalapan is up to you. But my friends and I vote in the twelfth district and we want no part of the atmosphere created on this blogsite by Michelle's supporters and in Manalapan by her attitude and demeanor.

Anonymous said...

3825. Before the bloodthirsty vultures
by terrytheater, 5/13/09 18:15 ET
who inhabit this site jump all over me, yes, I admit up front, I'm from Marlboro, not Manalapan. But I do read this site and have a lot of friends from Manalapan, and get to read about the politics of Manalapan in the News Transcript and online.
There is no question that the tone of any community is set at the top. Just like the debate across the nation is framed by the president and his tone, the tone in any community is framed by the person at the top there. I don't think anyone will disagree that the top in Manalapan is Michelle Roth. It has been for several years regardless of who holds the title of mayor. The fact that she would allow some dirtbag to represent himself as her strongest supporter on this site, vilifying decent people, stifling debate, and attacking people who aren't even reading says plenty on its own. But what I also see is that her actions have created one controversy after another in Manalapan. Marlboro used to be like that, but I'm grateful that our mayor has set another tone. Manalapan, on the other hand, has deteriorated into the climate we read on this site. That alone is sufficient for me to say Michelle has no place in Trenton. What you people do with her in Manalapan is up to you. But my friends and I vote in the twelfth district and we want no part of the atmosphere created on this blogsite by Michelle's supporters and in Manalapan by her attitude and demeanor.

Anonymous said...

A good thing only 4 people read this rag.

Anonymous said...

So you admit you're doing all the posting, Larry?

The Grim Reaper said...

August 10.

Anonymous said...

August 10. You get smacked in your evil little mouth in front of half the township.

You put your hand to your cheek and run away crying:

Stuie, Stuie, help me.

I did everything you asked.

You promised me this wouldn't happen.

Anonymous said...

August 10, Fred. You won't be laughing.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you were the las post last night lackey.

The Grim Reaper said...

August 10.

Anonymous said...


We now know who you are. If you think your lawyer friend is not going to turn his back on you, you are crazy. You will be in much greater legal trouble than he is when you are named. I would stop posting immediately if I were you.

Anonymous said...

And this is going to happen way before August 10.

The Grim Reaper said...

August 10.

If you know 'lackey's' identity, said...

as you say, post it here or clam up. If you don't post the name, that means just one thing---you do not know it.

Anonymous said...

Did I just miss something. Did someone just admit that there actually is a lackey for Moskovitz? LOL

The Grim Reaper said...

August 10. Remember Merrill Brown. Will it be Larry, Fred or a third person? Only two people know -- the person who thinks that by viciously attacking innocent people they are protecting Michelle, and me. You can run. But you cannot hide.

Anonymous said...

"If you know 'lackey's' identity, said...
as you say, post it here or clam up. If you don't post the name, that means just one thing---you do not know it"

Think the lackey is getting nervous?

Legal trouble is the LEAST of lackey's problems.

Anonymous said...

"August 10. Remember Merrill Brown. Will it be Larry, Fred or a third person? Only two people know -- the person who thinks that by viciously attacking innocent people they are protecting Michelle, and me. You can run. But you cannot hide."

The only vicious attacks written are by you, the lackey. Let's see if your boss backs you when your identity comes out. It's going to happen before August 10th.

Anonymous said...

August 10. It's very real.You can call it Karma.

The Grim Reaper said...

August 10 will be Karma. It will be real. It will be done. Each posting makes it more definite.

Anonymous said...

The only Karma working here is when and how we find out who you are. Legal trouble will be the LEAST of your worries, slime ball.

Every post you have made is saved and ready for prime time.

The Grim Reaper said...

You give yourself far more credit than you should. There are forces far greater than you. August 10.

Anonymous said...

The only Karma working here is when and how we find out who you are. Legal trouble will be the LEAST of your worries, slime ball.

Every post you have made is saved and ready for prime time.

The Grim Reaper said...

August 10. Your insane, silly ranting won't change a thing. You have no remorse. What is written will be sealed.

Anonymous said...

What is sealed is your impending misfortune, lackey.

The Grim Reaper said...

August 10.

Anonymous said...

Folks, only 69 more shopping days until the great revelation.

The Grim Reaper said...

He who laughs last....
August 10. It will be done.

Anonymous said...

Hey, isn' it 68 days now. You bore us.

The Grim Reaper said...

let's see how bored you are when it happens. August 10.

Anonymous said...

Not anymore bored than you are making us today.

Do you have a red bulbous nose like all clowns have?

Anonymous said...

Guess when it happens, we find out who you are.


The Grimer Reaper said...

August 10. We find out who the Lackey is.

Prepare yourself lackey.

The Grim Reaper said...

You're not bored. You're very nervous about this. If you weren't, you wouldn't be constantly responding. And you should be. August 10. You'll wish you had never posted.

Anonymous said...

We have to respond. We can't let you be the one who posts last ALL OF THE TIME, lackey.

When we, the township residents find out who you are, I'll guarantee you'll wish you never posted.

The Grim Reaper said...

Don't be silly. On August 10, everyone will know who you are because of what will happen. No one will know the identity of any other person. You are by far the most foolish person.

The psychiatrist said...

Interesting how the criminal mind operates.

When one feels they cannot win, they resort to making accusations.

When one finds their accusations are carrying no weight, they resort to threats.

When one makes threats and nobody takes them seriously, they resort to threatening using lawyers.

It's truly amazing how an adult (loosely speaking) will resort to such childish behavior in order to make themselves feel better about the situation they are in.

Sad, indeed.

Anonymous said...

What is not truly amazing is what a clown you are. Now why don'y you just shut your vile trap and wait until August 10th, lackey.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how the criminal mind operates.

When one feels they cannot win, they resort to making accusations.

When one finds their accusations are carrying no weight, they resort to threats.

When one makes threats and nobody takes them seriously, they resort to threatening using lawyers.

It's truly amazing how an adult (loosely speaking) will resort to such childish behavior in order to make themselves feel better about the situation they are in.

Sad, indeed.

Boy are you in for a surprise on August 10th, you clown!

The Grim Reaper said...

August 10. I can see you're already starting to feel it.